Welspun Living Inititavies in Envoirment Social & Governance

5 Effective Strategies by Welspun Living for Environmental Conservation in Agriculture


What are these 5 best Strategies of Sustainable Agriculture?

Welspun Living is one of the leading Indian textile manufacturing companies in India. Welspun Living, headquartered in Mumbai, Maharashtra, manufactures household textile goods such as yarn, rugs, terry towels, and bed linen. Since their inception in 1985, they have been aligning their vision with environmental well-being to propel the community in which they operate. Over the years, Welspun Living has taken progressive initiatives for environmental conservation in the agricultural sector. They evaluate their suppliers based on their ESG quotient to foster good agriculture practices and address potential challenges. 

Here are 5 key strategies that Welspun Living, one of the leading sustainable clothing brands, has employed to promote environmental conservation in agriculture. 

  1. Over 16,400 farmers have enrolled in Welspun’s training program, which teaches them all about good agricultural practices by textile manufacturing companies. The agronomy team promotes and supports the use of natural fertilisers and pesticides in conjunction with sustainable cotton cultivation in Telangana, Gujarat, and Maharashtra. The agronomy team promotes strategies for environmental conservation and supports the use of natural fertilisers and pesticides in conjunction with sustainable cotton cultivation in Telangana, Gujarat, and Maharashtra.
  2. Reducing the amount of trash sent to landfills is another goal for Welspun. They are turning waste materials into cotton fibres so they may be used again. Additionally, they are replacing virgin polyester with recycled polyester made from discarded PET bottles. Additionally, they are recycling and repurposing high-calorific trash and utilising it to produce electricity. They have been effective in keeping over 80% of this trash out of landfills through their progressive environmental conservation strategies.
  3. Welspun taught farmers how to use water as efficiently as possible and what phases of irrigation are crucial. To reduce the expense of agriculture, they advocated micro-watering and alternate-furrow irrigation techniques. They implemented methods like mulching, which is known to retain soil moisture and lower the need for water. It also stops crop burning and the resulting carbon emissions. 
  4. The massive tree plantation effort of the organisation in and around plant regions also contributes to soil rehabilitation. To date, they have planted almost three hundred thousand seedlings at Anjar. The goal of planting trees is to improve soil health and nutrition in the long run. The vast forest plantation has fostered and preserved the wildlife in the area. Such methods of environmental conservation not only prevent soil erosion but also restore soil health and encourage healthy crop growth. 
  5. The group sampled the soil and provided solutions for raising the pH, microbial activity, texture, and amount of organic carbon in the soil. Evaluating the need for environmental conservation, they gave the farmers demonstrations of how to increase the soil's ability to retain moisture. Additionally, they provided high-quality non-GMO seeds. They completed training in field scouting to assist in using natural plant protection techniques to reduce the invasion of pink bollworms. This also resulted in a decrease in cultivation costs. 

By 2030, the firm wants to use only sustainable cotton, which includes organic and BCI. The agronomy team is working hard to persuade cotton growers in Gujarat, Maharashtra, and Telangana to use natural insecticides and fertilisers to improve sustainable cotton farming in the advanced textile industry. By increasing the soil's organic carbon content and promoting soil health, these initiatives raise agricultural production and fertility. Over 14,000 farmers are being trained in good agricultural practices as part of a significant initiative that supports Welspun's sustainable cotton program. 

As can be seen, Welspun is playing a leading role in enabling better agriculture and environmental conservation at multiple levels. It is initiatives like these that eventually have the potential to bring about an industry-wide transformation. What is your contribution for environmental conservation?